June 17, 2023

sermon on proverbs
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[공동저서] 구약학자들의 잠언 설교

2019년 ‘통합구약학회'(장로교통합측구약학자모임)에서 발간한 책 『구약학자들의 잠언 설교』 중 저의 글 ‘숨은 의인 찾기’와 ‘부와 가난의 수사학’을 소개합니다.

developing in two languages book cover
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Review: Developing in Two Languages

This is my review of the book, Developing in Two Languages. The book is about how the language imperialism can negatively affect language minority children lives in the U.S

Asian American Theological Forum website
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온라인 소논문: Biblical Moral Dilemmas

When people use the Bible, they use the authority of God to legitimize or criticize certain events, but what really happens is to justify their own world views using the authority rather than following God’s will.

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