
Jordan river aerial view
Historical Books 역사서

Joshua 4 Analysis

Joshua ch 4, which describes Israelites crossing the Jordan after their exodus from Egypt, does not provide the story according to the natural flow of time. The narrative, instead, goes back and forth, making the storyline complex. And when the narrator retells previously revealed events, the events sound different. This post divides Joshua Ch 4 into four sections to compare/contrast one another.

Joshua and Deuteronomy (3)

Intro I have already posted two writings about “Joshua and Deuteronomy.” The primary concerns of the posts were that ① Deuteronomy is different from the

Joshua and Deuteronomy (2)

Intro This is the second post on “Joshua and Deuteronomy.” Previously, I dealt with the book of Deuteronomy to explain the subject’s background. Now let’s

Joshua and Deuteronomy (1)

Intro To study the connection between Joshua and Deuteronomy, understanding the book of Deuteronomy is a prerequisite. So I will talk about the basics of

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