
eccl chapter 1 in hebrew
unofficial bible stories

What/Who on earth is Qohelet?

The main speaker in the book of Ecclesiastes is often considered to be Solomon, or sometimes he is called “the preacher.” But the name does not appear in the text, and the Hebrew word for “the preacher” does not mean “preacher.”

unofficial bible stories

Isaac’s Meditation, Wandering, and Humor in the Bible

Some people say that Gen 24:63 tells us another anecdote about Isaac’s religious faithfulness. In Gen 24, Abraham’s servant went on a long journey to get Isaac’s wife to Paddan-aram and returned to Canaan with Rebekah. According to v. 63(KJV and RSV), on that evening, Isaac was meditating in the field by coincidence and noticed the servant coming home. You might have heard of a sermon that praises Isaac’s disciplined religious lifestyle, encouraging that we also have to pray regularly as Isaac did. But was he really praying at that moment? Alas! The meaning of the original word for “to meditate” in v. 63 is uncertain. We do not know what exactly he was doing in the field.

eccl chapter 1 in hebrew
Wisdom and Poetic Books, 지혜 문헌과 시가서

도대체 코헬렛이 누구야?

구약성경 중 ‘전도서’는 책의 화자를 번역자가 ‘전도자’로 이해하여 붙인 명칭이다. 그러나 한국 기독교에서 ‘전도’라는 표현이나 혹은 ‘전도사’라는 표현이 가진 보편적인 의미와 이 책의 내용을 고려해 보면 ‘전도자’라는 표현이나 ‘전도서’라는 표현은 그리 적절하지 않음을 쉽게 알 수 있다. 이 글은 ‘전도서’의 명칭이 왜 생겨났는지 그리고 어떤 대안 명칭이 있는지 소개한다.

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