Achan, Achar, and the Valley of Achor
This post summarizes Richard S. Hess, “Achan and Achor: Names and Wordplay in Joshua 7,” Hebrew Annual Review 14 (1994): 89-98. My words are limited to the sections written in gray.
Achan, Achar, and the Valley of Achor
This post summarizes Richard S. Hess, “Achan and Achor: Names and Wordplay in Joshua 7,” Hebrew Annual Review 14 (1994): 89-98. My words are limited to the sections written in gray.
The Commander of the Army of the LORD
This post summarizes Thomas Römer’s “Joshua’s encounter with the commander of YHWH’s army (Josh 5:13–15): literary construction or reflection of a royal ritual?” My words are limited to the sections written in gray, Intro, and Closing words.
Where is the treasury of the house of the LORD (YHWH)?
In the story of Jericho, Joshua commanded the people not to take spoils as those items should be taken into the treasury of the LORD. But what facility does it refer to? Or where is it? This article investigate this matter.
Joshua ch 4, which describes Israelites crossing the Jordan after their exodus from Egypt, does not provide the story according to the natural flow of time. The narrative, instead, goes back and forth, making the storyline complex. And when the narrator retells previously revealed events, the events sound different. This post divides Joshua Ch 4 into four sections to compare/contrast one another.
들어가는 말 출애굽기 14장의 홍해를 건넌 사건은 이스라엘이 애굽을 떠난 후 야웨께서 모세를 통하여 일으키신 엄청난 기적을 그리고 있다. 이 사건은 당연히 야웨의 힘을 보여
“I will be with you”: Joshua 1:5 translation
The Hebrew of Josh 1:5 is not particularly difficult. The sentence, however, has a weird feature in its use of pronominal suffixes, but English translations
“내가 너와 함께 있을 것임이니라”: 여호수아 1장 5절 번역
여호수아 1장 5절은 번역하기에 딱히 어려울 것이 없는 평이한 문장이다. 다만 이 문장은 대명사의 사용에 있어 조금 이상한 부분이 하나 있는데, 한글 번역 성경에는 언어의
Intro I have already posted two writings about “Joshua and Deuteronomy.” The primary concerns of the posts were that ① Deuteronomy is different from the
들어가는 말 나는 이미 ‘여호수아와 신명기’라는 제목과 주제로 두 개의 글을 올렸다. 그 글의 주된 관심은 ① 신명기가 앞선 네 권의 책(창~민)과 뚜렷하게 구분된다는 점과